RIEDEL Central and Eastern Europe in the Process of European Integration [beendet]

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TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2016 RIEDEL Central and Eastern Europe in the Process of European Integration [beendet]

It is more and more often contested if the region of Central and Eastern Europe exists. Before 1989, most of its territory involuntary belonged to the “East Block”. After 1989 it evolved and got divided up to the present point in which it is more and more difficult to find a common denominator between countries like Belarus and the Czech Republic. However the coined term “Central and Eastern Europe” persistently exists, counter-logically to politics, economy and any other dimension. One of the challenges to be faced by the students will be to find out the impact of the European integration process on the region - to what extent it has been unifying and to what extent dividing factor.  

The course will provide both country by country approach as well as a horizontal perspective. Meaning, apart from focusing on specific states that are in the interest of the students, it will also concentrate on specific problems of the European integration process as seen from the Central and Eastern European perspectives.



  1. Riedel, Europeanisation of Western Balkans – Experiences of Conditionality Policy from Central and Eastern Europe, „ Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo – Wschodniej” (Yearbook of the Institute of Central – Eastern Europe), year 7 (2009), part 2, ISSN 1732-1395, pp. 83-98


  1. P. Lewis, Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Fifteen Years on: a Concluding Note, “Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics” Vol. 20, No. 1, March 2004



  1. Riedel, Regionalism in the context of a political system, In: Tarrosy, Istvan & Rosskogler, Gerald (eds.) (2005). Regional Co-operation as Central European Perspective. Pecs: Molnar Printing House.


  1. Zweynert, N. Goldschmidt, The Two Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe as Process of Institutional Transplantation, “Journal of Economic Issues” Vol. XL No. 4, December 2006
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