Design Patterns for VCL arrangements by the Chair of Business Informatics, especially Information Management at the TU Dresden.

Overview of a VCL-Cycle

This Wiki presents the solution to practical problems connected to planning, organisation, implementation and evaluation of VCL projects. The patterns are structured in the form of learning patterns. The problems can be divided into 8 categories:

Furthermore, a VCL project can be structured based on its time cycle. The process contains a sequence of five phases:

The process of a VCL project
Analysing The aim of the analysis phase is to understand the context of the VCL project, including factors such as the target group, learning topic(s), available time span, or technical possibilities.
Concept Based on the results of the analysis phase, the conception phases serves the preparation of the project task (e.g., general concept, background story, task complexity, milestones and timing etc.).
Preparing This phase serves the detailed planning of the VCL task and the structure of the project, as well as preparation of necessary materials and tools (e.g., setting exact dates, deciding on group structure and role concept, preparation of the virtual environment, preparation of learning materials).
Execution The actual VCL project takes place in this phase, usually in the form of Blended Learning (combining the virtual pahse with presence learning).
Evaluation This phase serves the assessment of the project results and project work as well as the evaluation of the VCL project. Research can also be a part of the evaluation phase.

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