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Basics of Climate Change

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Bergakademie Freiberg | semesterübergreifend Basics of Climate Change /Klimawandel

Module and course title

Climate Change Background (Studium Generale and Part 1 of the module "Atmospheric Research - Climate Change within the Master Geoecology studies)

Attention, the module has moved to

The class climate change imparts knowledge about the physical and chemical processes behind climate variability and change. Thereby the focus will be on the interactions and feedbacks within the complex climate system. We will look at (pre)historical and observed climatic changes and their impact on several economic sectors as well as on the basic functionality of climate modeling. Future climate trends will be discussed regarding their social, economical, ecological and political relevance. Strategies of dealing with climate change involve climate mitigation, climate adaptation and geo-engineering. Their potential for a successful counteraction of global warming will be evaluated. For an update, see

In the climate change tutorials we will discuss the book by Mike Hulme "Why we disagree about climate change". Presentations and discussion rounds will enhance the argumentative capabilities of the participants. Selected arguments of climate skeptics will be discussed and assessed regarding their scientific background.

Lectures will take place Tuesdays at 09:15 hrs in room WER-1118. They have started on October 18, 2022.

Lectures and seminar is in English! German questions are welcome!

PLEASE: Look at the lecture and course materials - avialable here on OPAL - prior to each lecture. Note questions and bring them forth during the lectures and exercise time. MIND: This is not about learning something by heart - it is about understanding something relevant.


Statistics for Climate Change Research (Part 2 of the module "Atmospheric Research - Climate Change within the Master Geoecology studies)

Basic statistical methods used in atmospheric research are introduced and applied on a chosen individual atmospheric or climate data set. Thereby the use of standard software packages and specific statistical software is strengthened.

The results of the statistical analysis of the chosen data-set are to be presentent regularly during the tutorials. At the end of the semester a written report has to be delivered that summarizes the main results and interpretations of the analysis.

Lectures: Thursdays (1) at 09:15 hours in room WER-1045 (every two weeks!, uneven weeks). Start November 03.

The written material for lectures and tutorials will be in English, yet the spoken language for the exercice is German!

As you likely know, the exam is officially scheduled (Prüfungsplan) for ... to be defined

Course Aims:

  • Understand the physical and chemical background of climate change including important interactions and feedbacks in the climate system 
  • Knowledge about the historical, observed and projected changes and their possible impacts in different sectors
  • Deal with response strategies to expected future climate changes
  • Strengthen the argumentation abilities 


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