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Data Science: Foundations

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 Data Science: Foundations

This module will not be offered by the Chair of Intelligent Systems and Services in the 24/25 Winter Term!

This module replaces the modules Data Science: Predictive Analytics and Data Science: Advanced Analytics, starting Winter term 23/24!

for questions, please contact: dsf_isd@tu-dresden.de

Consultation with Prof. Brendel: on request
(please contact isd@tu-dresden.de for an appointment)


Course description

The module covers both the fundamentals and principles of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques for the analysis of structured and unstructured data. Students will be able to apply these methods to various practical examples, evaluate the results, interpret them, and critically assess them. Students will have an understanding of the workflow of a data science project and be familiar with modeling and data preprocessing. They will also have an understanding of the challenges that may arise during data science projects, be able to identify and solve these problems. They will be capable of developing, implementing, and critically evaluating solutions to problems based on structured and unstructured data.

Course facts

  • Format: Lectures + Online shorts + In-Person exercises + In-Person consultations 
  • Language: English
  • Semester: every winter term
  • Scope: 5 CP

Important information

The number of participants is limited to 60. Enrollment is done by lot (Losverfahren)!

The waiting list for enrollment will open on 1.10.23. The Lots will be drawn on the 13.10.23.

There will be an In-Person Kick-off meeting with all the relevant information about the course. The corresponding information can be found in the timetable.

Final exam

The exam will take place this semester as a hybrid exam. Further information will be given during the course.


Update 2.10.23: Lecture and Exercise will take place on Wednesday and not Fridays. This was displayed wrongly in the previous table. The error has been corrected.

Update 23.01.2024: Due to a very high level of illness at the chair, the exercise 4 unfortunately has to be postponed to the 31.01.. That means on that day will be both the exercise 4 and the WrapUP and trial exam. Our apologies for the inconvenience!


  • Date: 18.10.2023
  • Hour: 14:50 - 16:20
  • Place: SCH A117/H


  • Date: Wensdays according to Timetable
  • Hour: 14:50 - 16:20
  • Place: SCH A117/H


  • Date: Wensdays according to Timetable
  • Hour: 14:50 - 16:20
  • Place: SCH A117/H

Trial Exam:

  • Dates: According to Timetable
  • Hour: 16:40 - 18:10 !
  • Place: PC-Pool SCH-A200


  • Dates: 20.02.2024
  • Hour: Doors close at 13:00
  • Place: PC-Pool SCH-A200
  • Watch the homepage of the examination office for updates!



Week number Date Holiday Topic
39  1.10.2023   Enrollment opens
41 13.10.2023   Enrollment closed and lots drawn
42 18.10.2023   Kick-off
43 25.10.2023   -
44 01.11.2023   Lecture Buisness & Data Understandning
45 08.11.2023   Lecture Data Preparation
46 15.11.2023   Exercise
47 22.11.2023 Buß- & Bettag -
48 29.11.2023   Lecture Modeling
49 06.12.2023   Exercise
50 13.12.2023   Lecture Model Evaluation
51 20.12.2023 Turn of the year -
52 27.12.2023 Turn of the year -
1 03.01.2024 Turn of the year -
2 10.01.2024   Exercise
3 17.01.2024   Invited guest lecture



5 31.01.2024   Trial Exam (6 DS!)


Access to e-lecture shorts

Enrolled students will be able to find links to shorts in the link list. These videos will be hosted at videocampus sachsen.

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