GIMENO UGALDE Seminar: Barcelona in visual culture and literature
Over the last twenty years, international interest in Barcelona has been growing. In academia, this trend is reflected by an increasing number of courses, seminars and publications about the city. This course will present an overview of the most relevant aspects of the city (history, art, urban planning and space, society, identity, etc.) and an in-depth reflection on them through the lens of cultural readings about Barcelona. Special attention will be devoted to representations of Barcelona(s) in film, literature and other art forms. The course will be based around weekly theoretical readings, which will be discussed in the classroom as a complement to the analysis of multiple cinematic and literary examples. Students are allowed to give their presentations (Referate) and present their papers (Seminararbeiten) in German.
Zeit: Mi., 17.15 – 18.45
Beginn: 4.4.2018
Raum: 2/W021
Prüfungsleistung: entsprechend d. Studiengangs- rsp. Prüfungsordnung.