Waste Disposal (Deponierung von Abfällen)
In the summer semester 2025, the course takes place weekly on Wednesdays from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. in the lecture hall HHB-1035 (exercises in PC-pool TGB-3301).
Please note: The first 9 weeks, we will have lectures; after this, we will have exercises. Exercises are only part of the module "Environmental Engineering Geology", and not of the module "Environmental Geotechnics" (students of the programs AMRD and MORE do not take part in the exercises).
Learning objectives: Students know the relevance and consequences of waste disposal . They understand the respective processes and can discuss and plan measures.
Lecture: scientific fundamentals; legal framework; geological-hydrogeological aspects of construction and operation of landfills, tailings storage facilities and deep geological repositories.
Exercises: computer-aided stability analysis; preparation of a geotechnical report.
The course language is English.