Tutorial: Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2018 Tutorial: Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks

Tutorial: Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks

We offer a tutorial accompanying the Seminar on Network Dynamics as well as research topics on general complex systems' dynamics. Here complex systems are broadly defined as systems exhibiting several interacting units that collectively exhibit phenomena not explainable from individual unit properties alone.

You will learn how to systematically model and analyze collective (dynamical) phenomena in complex systems and networks, how to create own results, both by mathematical analysis and computer simulation and, most importantly, strategic modeling. You will also learn how to present own or others' work in front of a cross-disciplinary 'complex systems' audience or readership

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  • This content will be available from 04/10/2018 12:00 AM until 07/17/2018 11:59 PM.

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