Introduction to Limnology

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TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Semester overlapping Introduction to Limnology

A primer for novices

This course (lectures) is exclusively taught in English.

What is in the box for me?: Fundamentals and applications of Limnology. Physical and chemical processes (Light, heat, movement, element cycles). Organisms and their interaction (plankton, food webs, (partial) ecosystems. Applied Limnology (Methods and case studies in theory and practicle applications, e.g., eutrophication, acidification, litoral damages) - all in twelve units plus a compulsory field training (5 days)

What do I learn?: Limnology as the historical base of modern ecology offers a tightly knit dissemination of physical-chemical-biological fundamentals in theory and practical applications. Successful participants perceive limnological challenges and are capable of tackling elated problems independently. You will be qualified to work in respective professional applications.

References: O’Sullivan PE, Reynolds CS (2003) The Lakes Handbook, I and II; Blackwell Science. Schwoerbel J, Brendelberger H (2005) Einführung in die Limnologie, 9ed, Gustav Fischer. Uhlmann D, Horn W (2001) Hydrobiologie der Binnengewässer; Ulmer 2206. Wetzel RG, Likens GE (eds, 1991) Limnological Analyses, 2ed., Springer. Wetzel RG (2001) Limnology. 

Prerequisites: Formal: Basics of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (related B.Sc.); informal: Dedication, motivation, ...

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