Writing Sprints in the Writing Room: 27.02.-27.03.2025
Together you write (and read, research, analyze, ...) less alone!
© M. Wollschläger / SZD.
We offer
- a working space (traditionally with a chair, desk, TUD wifi and power for your laptop)
- a productive athmosphere
- support from the Writing Center
- exchange with other students
- coffee, tea and cookies
What you need to bring
- your own writing project
- everything you need for that (Laptop, books ...)
- motivation
When & where?
- every Thursday, 12:00 - 15:00, 27 February - 27 March
- in the rooms at Fritz-Foerster Bau, Room FOE 135
How do the writing sprints and the writing retreat in the writing room work?
Writing Sprints offer you a fixed framework, routine and structure to make good progress with your writing project (seminar paper, thesis, project areas ...). In a fixed time slot once a week (Thursdays, 12:00 - 15:00, 27.02.-27.03.2025) you can work in a focused way in the writing center, start your writing time together with the group and under guidance and have a contact person from the writing center for your questions or challenges in the writing process directly on site.
You can sign up for one or more writing sprints (individual appointments every week).
Do you have any questions concearning the writing room or writing sprints?
Feel free to write us an e-mail: