CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Course title picture
TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics

This course provides an introduction to computational fluid dynamics. Various methods to discretize and numerically solve conservation equations will be introduced. The focus will be on finite difference methods and finite volume methods, which are applied widely for the simulation of flows. A main goal of the course is to provide the students with the ability to assess the numerical methods regarding their stability and accuracy.

The course is part of the master programme Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS). It is designed for the track Computational Engineering (CE). The lecture can be attended by other students as well.

The lecture is an English version of the lecture Numerische Strömungsmechanik delivered during the summer term in German and part of the modules MB-LRT-04, MB-ET-24, MB-SM-05 of the diploma programme in Mechanical Engineering.

Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Andre Weiner

A course offered by the Chair of Fluid Mechanics 

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