Training in Fluid Dynamics

TU Bergakademie Freiberg | semesterübergreifend Training in Fluid Dynamics

Please subscribe to the course Lecture-WS 24/25 to get access to all lecture slides and exercises. 

The exercises will start in the 2nd week (21st October).


In case you can only attend online, there will be a live video stream of the lecture offered here:
(Stream "Hörsaal Weisbach-Bau (WEI-1051)")

Please use that only if you are not in Freiberg.


The aim of the lecture is to:

  • understand and apply basic equations of fluid dynamics
  • solve standard fluid dynamical problems
  • know, when which physical theory applies

The main focus lies in applying and solving fluid dynamical problems.


Allowed material in the exam:

- all printed and handwritten material:
    - lecture slides, exercise materials, handwritten notes, ...
    - books
    - formulary

- calculator (any kind, but no WiFi)

- NOT permitted: communication devices (smart phones, tablets, smart watches)




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