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2019 Physics of Particle Detectors
TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2019
2019 Physics of Particle Detectors
2019 Physics of Particle Detectors
Monday, 5. DS (14h50-16h20), SE2/201
The lecture on Monday May 20 will be moved to Friday May 17, 3. DS (11h10-12h40) in SE2/201
Thursday, 6. DS (16h40-18h10, odd weeks), SE2/201
The tutorial on Thursday April 25 will be moved to Friday May 3, 3. DS (11h10-12h40) in SE2/201
The tutorial on Thursday May 23 will be moved to Friday May 31, 3. DS (11h10-12h40) in SE2/201
Prof. Dr. A. Straessner
Prof. Dr. A. Straessner
Lade Bewertungsübersicht
Lade Übersicht