W720 W291 International Business Law / Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (MA)
What is to be done when?
In order for the course to run properly with the greatest possible success for you and me, please follow the instructions in the week plan, in which
- lists the contents of the course with links
- shows you where we are in terms of dates and content
- you will find out what you need to read and prepare for which lesson
- your special "role" in the event is made clear, e.g. chat moderator, camera-on-person, working group participant, etc.
⏲ according to the study plan:
- ZOOM link or location ->ZOOM link with identification code: 689821
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89062504489?pwd=bks0T3dRcm4wenhUalBxNjRtVzRuUT09
- every week
- mondays 2 x 90 min
- online
Good luck in expanding your knowledge!
Your professor
Thorsten S. Richter