W720 W291 International Business Law / Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (MA)

HTW Dresden | Sommersemester W720 W291 International Business & Technical Law (MA) Law

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Welcome, dear students, to Prof. Richter's law courses!
In order for the course to run properly with the greatest possible success for you and me, please follow the instructions here and the week plan, in which

  • lists the contents of the course with links eg. ->ZOOM link
  • shows you where we are in terms of dates and content
  • you will learn what you need to read and prepare for which lesson
  • your particular "role" in the event is made clear, e.g. chat modarator, presentation students, working group participant, etc.

3-part course structure

The course consists of 3 parts: ⭐ 1. exercise + ✍ 2. lecture  + ✅ 3. ebook

For 4 SWS these parts always follow the same structure for your better orientation and own planning:

Part 1: Exercise ✍ 90 min, divided into the following minute intervals and contents: the topic-related case study is worked on

  • ✍ 5 min Intro: Arrival, welcome, technical, short questions from students.
  • ✍ 10 Quiz: review of old material, e.g. short tests, short cases, etc. Students: Please be prepared!
  • ✍ 20 Workshop: Solve questions 1 to 6 resp. 8 of case study 2: Students' task = present and discuss the solutions found and correct them after evaluation Instructor's task = evaluates the proposed solutions, gives hints. 
  • ✍ 10 Breakout session: unknown case studies on the discussed topic are discussed
  • ✍ 40 Discussion of case studies: students give initial assessment, instructor explains differences from case study 1
  • ✍ 5 Conclusion: ✍ Homework, clarify questions, other.


Part 2: Lecture ⭐ 90 min, divided into the following minute intervals and contents: new input and new case study


  • ⭐ 5 min Intro: Arrival, welcome, technical information, short questions from the students.
  • ⭐ 20 Quiz: Review of old learning material, e.g. short tests, short cases, etc. Students: Please be prepared!
  • ⭐ 50 Input: New learning material based on the eScripts Students: Please work through content in advance using the study plan! Read the case study 1!
  • ⭐ 10 Case study: Explanation of the case study 2 to be found in the folders "✍ Exercise" Students: Please work through in advance and prepare questions!
  • ⭐ 5 Conclusion: ✍ Homework, reference to exercise (solution of case studies) Students: Please ask all remaining questions about the case study until the next lecture.

Part 3: eBook ✅ International Business Law and Its Environment
Richard Schaffer; Filiberto Agusti

  • https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781337645645/pageid/160
  • https://primo.bib.htw-dresden.de/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma99181489202581&context=L&vid=49HTW_INST:49HTW_VU1&lang=de&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&isFrbr=true&tab=Everything&query=any,contains,International%20Business%20Law%20and%20Its%20Environment&sortby=date_d&facet=frbrgroupid,include,9074844853767704725&offset=0

Organisational notes on the course: ⚡⚡⚡

  • ⚡ Do not forget to enrol: mandatory prerequisite for course participation and for taking the exam (students: please follow instructions in folder "✅Einschreibung")
  •  Conference tool: ->ZOOM link (students: please upload §§ Data protection declaration of consent at the same time as enrolment)
  •  Technical requirements for all participants: 1. stable internet connection, 2. microphone, 3. camera, 4. PDF reader, 5. headset
  •  Examination: Date according to examination schedule, content as case study examination according to the contents specified in the study plan, (students: upload declaration of independence in the "Declaration of independence" folder before taking the examination, do not email!)
  •  Contact the lecturer: Thorsten.Richter@htw-dresden.de, +49 173 200 84 78, WhatsApp and weekly office hours tuesdays, 10 - 11 (please ask for an appointment by mail!)
  •  Working group formation: Prof. Richter's law courses assume that you form your own study groups and follow the group work rules (cf. Methodology folder).
  •  Working group presentation: According to the syllabus, you will find out if you are one of the Presentation students out of a working group of the event. Your tasks: You will turn on your camera and be available to answer questions from the lecturer as a priority. You can switch off your camera during phases when the event is being recorded.

This online offer is under construction, so suggestions, hints and tips that can improve the use of this online course are welcome, e.g. on the platforms mentioned above or in person.

 Start and duration: according to the learning plan depending on the week plan.

Good luck in expanding your knowledge!

Your Professor Thorsten S. Richter

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