Environmental Geochemistry

TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Sommersemester 2020 Environmental Geochemistry

- or how to deal with environmental geochemical data

This graduate lecture-based module targets graduate students, interested in environmental aspects of geochemistry. Since applications of environ geochem show enormous bandwidth, we largely focus on larger geochemical datasets as learning tool to derive meaningful interpretations of evidence found in nature or the anthroposphere. In addition to the lecture, which presents a sequence or real world examples from various continents and climate zones, the exercise in seminaristic form teaches how to practically deal with data at a basic level. A 2-day excursion and field lab exercise provides ample opportunity to discuss specific issues and to use simple methods in the field as proxy for more complex investigations.

You should have an interest in geochemistry (and ideally visited some Introduction to Geochemistry lecture before - and you should like to figure out, what data sets require (quality) and may deliver (true insight). Freiberg students of geoecology, and of geosciences, including the International Master of Environmental Geoscience (MGEX) are key target groups for this module.   

Update August 09, 2022

The issue regarding the written exam could be solved as you suggested. Thos of you who have not handed in your field reports and/or your student paper, please do so immediately.

All best

Jörg Matschullat

to come very soon
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