Visual Communication for scientists

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | semesterübergreifend Visual Communication for scientists

Visual Communication for scientists

Welcome to Data Visualization for scientists

First of all, I am really sorry I will not meet you in person! However, the past 3 months were perfect time for writing up research reports, online presentations, and finishing projects. Maybe you already made a ton of new figures showing your results, maybe you are about to. In any way, you signed up because along the way to your PhD you will have to present your research results and this is done by writing about it in a paper with text and figures, by presenting it at conferences with slides and/or posters, and one day with a oral defense that needs legible slides.

This course requires 9 hours of your time, and is set for 3 afternoons. Let us however benefit from the flexibility of online teaching and allow each one of you to come up with their own schedule. We will of course meet in live sessions, but we will also have video’s, exercises that you do alone or in pairs, and reading materials. Roughly, we will meet online on Wednesday and Thursday

Course overview:


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Welcome LIVE

Discuss lectures LIVE

group work



individual work

Unit 1 LIVE

Unit 6-8

group discussion

Unit 2-5

Prepare Day 3

send work in


We meet online Wednesday 24rd 13:00

Once everyone was able to log in to BigBlueButton and say hi, we will discuss the course outline and familiarize ourselves with the OPAL system, which is our main point of reference.

We will then have a live session of Unit 1 and time for questions, before students individually go through lectures and exercises for unite 2-5.

Teilnehmende mit ZIH-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:

Teilnehmende ohne Hochschul-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:


We meet online Thursday 25th 13:00

Teilnehmende mit ZIH-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:

Teilnehmende ohne Hochschul-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:


We meet online Friday 26th 13:00

Teilnehmende mit ZIH-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:

Teilnehmende ohne Hochschul-Login erreichen den Raum über folgenden Link:



Overview of Units:

Unit 1: Why visualize (recorded live session)

Unit 2: Charts introduction

Unit 3: More charts, for distributions

Unit 4: Misleading charts

Unit 5: Text

Unit 6: Color

Unit 7: Layouting

Unit 8: Decluttering

*** optional lectures ***

Unit 9: visualize text: tables and more

Unit 10: publishing images, ethics of image presentation

Unit 11: More Tipps and Tricks

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