Digital Skills & Projektmanagement
Hochschule Mittweida | Semester overlapping
Digital Skills & Projektmanagement
Information about access
- This content is accessible for you under the following conditions (one must be fulfilled):
- Organizational unit/study group contains the value UB20w1-CM
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- Organizational unit/study group contains the value UB20w2-CN
- Field of studies contains the value UB20w1-CM
- Field of studies contains the value UB20w2-CM
- Field of studies contains the value UB20w3-CM
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- Field of studies contains the value UB20w2-CN
Dieses Modul ist nur für eingeschriebene Studierende im Modul [Nr.] "Titel" des Studiengangs [Bezeichnung] (Matrikel ...) zugänglich.