2020/2021 WiSe FOMT 2.1 Design and Planning of Research
Goals of qualification: The students are able to apply scientific methods for data collection, data analysis and evaluation of the results within the complex environment of a tropical country. They are prepared to design a research plan for the Master thesis. The capability of writing and evaluating scientific papers is further developed. The students are qualified to independently elaborate research projects.
Contents: Hermeneutic fundamentals as well as analytical methods in natural science, engineering and social sciences. Quantitative-statistical and qualitative assessment and evaluation methods. Standards of scientific publications and strategies for their implementation. Research plan for a topic out of the thematic fields of ecology, technology or socioeconomics and culture in the tropics including work plan.
- Dieser Inhalt ist freigegeben von 08.10.2020 10:56 Uhr bis 31.03.2021 23:56 Uhr.