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Parameter Identification in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 Parameter Identification in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics

The calibration of parameters plays a central role in establishing predictively accurate constitutive models for complex, nonlinear material responses. In numerical optimization-based approaches to parameter identification an objective function that measures deviations between simulation results and experimental data is minimized to compute optimal parameter sets. After motivating the inverse problem of parameter identification the course provides an introduction to fundamental theoretical and algorithmic concepts of (constrained) nonlinear optimization. The lectures are accompanied by programing exercises that lead to handson experience with implementing and testing such optimization methods.

In the second part of the course students learn to apply these numerical tools to the specific problem of parameter identification for nonlinear (elasto-plastic, visco-elastic etc.) material models. To obtain the necessary experimental data, students will help conduct experiments in the materials characterization laboratory of the solid mechanics group. The lectures will further address advanced concepts, such as the parameter identification via inhomogeneous deformation processes by combining digital image correlation and finite element analysis. Lastly, it is demonstrated that very similar numerical concepts can be employed in solving structural optimization problems of nonlinear solid mechanics.

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