Neurokognition I [finished]
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TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester
Neurokognition I [finished]
Lecture videos can be found under "Lectures" additional information on the exercises can be found in the forum. Lecture slides and exercise material can be found on the lecture web page.
Oral Neurocognition I exams will take place on 08.03., 15.03., 22.03., 29.03. - 9.00-18.00.
Please register directly with Susan Koehler by providing a list of possible dates:
Information on the exam procedure can be found in the forum.
- Week 1 (12.10.20): Introduction | Exercise: Matlab Introduction
- Week 2 (19.10.20): The neuron as an electrical circuit | Exercise: Euler's Method
- Week 3 (26.10.20): Integrate- and fire models | Exercise: Integrate-and-fire-model (Part A)
- Week 4 (02.11.20): Membrane equation, Hodgkin and Huxley model | Exercise: Integrate-and-fire-model (Part B)
- Week 5 (09.11.20): Beyond Hodgkin and Huxley | Exercise: Hodgkin-Huxley (Parts A and B)
- Week 6 (16.11.20): Synapses | Exercise: Hodgkin-Huxley (Parts C and D)
- Week 7 (23.11.20): Hybrid spiking models | Exercise: Hodgkin-Huxley (Parts E and F)
- Week 8 (30.11.20): The rate code, Poisson neurons | Exercise: Synapses
- Week 9 (07.12.20): Phase Plane Models | Exercise: Hybrid Spiking Models
- Week 10 (14.12.20): Neural principles, Rate-based learning rules | Exercise: Hebbian Learning
- Week 11 (04.01.21): Homeostatic Plasticity | Exercise: Multi-Neuron Learning
- Week 12 (11.01.21): Spike-time dependent learning rules | Exercise: Voltage-based STDP
- Week 13 (18.01.21): Node-perturbation
- Week 14 (25.01.21): Lateral and feedback circuits, Coordinate Transformations | Exercise: Radial Basis Function Networks
- Week 15 (01.02.21): Cortical magnification
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