Bubbles, Foam and Froth

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TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 Bubbles, Foam and Froth

Bubbles, Foam and Froth



This course deals with bubbles, foam and froth. Dispersed bubbles in liquids play an important role in many processes, because of the large contact area between gas and liquid. Often, the formation of stable foam in such systems has to be avoided. In other processes, like froth flotation, foam and froth constitute an essential ingredient.




The lecture includes fundamentals like surfactants and interface properties. Then bubble generation, break-up and coalescence will be discussed. The main focus is on foam and froth, covering stability and coarsening, drainage and rheology.




All aspects are discussed with regard to industrial applications and ongoing research. existing measurement techniques, sensors and numerical approaches are discussed. Small exercises support the understanding of the topic.  



Additionally, Lab courses will be offerd to give hands-on experience with relevant lab techniques.





Language: English


Place: MER/E03/U Campusnavigator

or virtually via ZOOM:





Date: starting from Oct. 17th 2024

Time: Thursday, 14:50 - 16:20 (CET)


Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Sascha Heitkam, sascha.heitkam(at)tu-dresden.de





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