MGK Open Science Module
TU Dresden | semesterübergreifend
MGK Open Science Module
With this e-learning module, we would like to support you in conducting your research efficiently and transparently according to the rules of good scientific practice. To this end, this module combines three workshops:
- Workshop 1: Good Scientific Practice
- Workshop 2: Research Data Management
- Workshop 3: Research Transparency
For each workshop, online content is provided, but there will also be virtual or presence meetings of one to two days to follow up on essential issues of each workshop. You are free to go through the online content of each workshop as your times allows, but you are required to attend the respective meetings to follow up on the online content of each workshop during the initial period of your doctoral studies. Be assured that you will find the topics dealt with most helpful for your scientific work.
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Sie haben zu wenig Berechtigungen, um diesen Kurs zu starten.