V: Growing up in 20th Century Europe: Histories of Childhood

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 V: Growing up in 20th Century Europe: Histories of Childhood

Modern / Recent History / Contemporary History

PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács 

Place: This lecture will be offered online via Zoom
Time: Tuesday, 6. DS (16:40–18:10) 

Hist GM 1; Hist Erg AM 2, Hist AM 2; Hist Erg M 1; Hist Hum ErgM 1; Hist EM 1, Hist Erg EM 1, PhFHist Erg M 1; PhF-Hist-MA-SM1, PhF-Hist-MA-SM2, PhF-Hist-MA-SM3, PhF-MA-FMEW, PhF-MA-FMSW, SLK-MAEB-FM, SLK-MA-FaEB-EFM, Hist MA LA NG/ZG; PHF SEGY-Hist-NGZG, PHF-SEMS-Hist-NGZG, PHF-SEBS-Hist-NGZG

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