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2023-05_Femtec Informational Event

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TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 2023-05_Femtec Informational Event

You are a female student at the TU Dresden and studying a STEM subject?

Already thinking about your career in science or economy after you finished you Master degree or Diploma? Femtec might be the perfect match! It is the first step towards your career in science or economy. Sign up for the informational event and find out why:

Tuesday, October 27 at 5pm

Maxi Böhm (Femtec coordinator at the TU Dresden) provides detailed information about the Femtec Career Building Program, the Innovation Workshop and the application process. Further you will have the opportunity to get in touch with current scholarship holders that will report about their experiences and have some tips and tricks for your application.

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