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Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 20/21 [beendet]

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TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 20/21 [beendet]

The course focuses on the core ingredients to develop a Finite Element software - meshes, basis functions, quadrature rules, assembly, etc. 

It is part of the course catalog of the Mathematics department, being suitable for all students in the M.Sc. programs

  • Mathematik
  • Technomathematik (mandatory)
  • Wirtschaftsmathematik
  • CMS - Track CMA (mandatory)
  • CMS - Track CE (mandatory)


Lecture and Tutorials

The whole course will be taught online. 

Lectures are given by M.Sc. Dennis Wenzel in recorded form, published on Youtube every Monday, the links are shared using Matrix. All material is available for the whole semester to be reviewed whenever needed.

There will be two online video tutorial groups, following the topics of the lecture with strong focus on applications. The platform is the browser-based conference service Big Blue Button (BBB) hosted by this university. Links are published in Matrix, see the next section. Schedule:

Tuesdays between 7.30 am - 9.00 am

Wednesday 11.10 am - 12.40 pm

Matrix Chat Room

While OPAL is mostly used for publication of lectures and assignments, we have created a chat room in Matrix for questions and discussion. Furthermore the links to video conference rooms (BBB) are published there. You can join by the following link:

Join us on Matrix!

Hint: Using Matrix for the first time you have to change the server from the standard matrix server to "". 


Each week an assignment sheet will be published that should be prepared before the corresponding tutorial in the following week. If the tasks in an assignment sheet have been fulfilled completely, you get an additional 0.5 points for the exam up to a maximum of 5 points, i.e. after 10 correctly prepared assignments.


In the 'Assignment' section on this website there is as an upload button. Files should be placed there and the filename should be kept as is, e.g. assignment_1.ipynb. 


The deadline for submission of assignments is Mondays at 11.59 am in the respective week. Submission after this deadline may not be considered. 

Further Studies:

For a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts of the FEM we strongly recommend the lecture PDENM (Numerics of Partial Differential Equations) given by Prof. Dr. Oliver Sander and M.Sc. Patrick Jaap. 


The exam will be online on 2nd of March from 9:00 to 11:00. 

There will be an new exam folder on Opal with an pdf sheet. Please prepare all the tasks and upload your sheet files at the corresponding submission folder up to 11:00. After 11:00 the submission folder will be closed and not available. We assume 100 min to prepare the given tasks and additional 20 min to upload your files. 

Please keep a clear file structure. In other word: Upload either

1. One pdf with handwritten notes by tablet or

2. One pdf with sorted scans of handwritten notes by pen and paper or

3. Multiple vertically oriented photos of your handwritten notes with sorted filename (e.g. page1.jpg, page2.jpg , … ). 

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