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MHSE02_Hydrology (WiSe 2020/21) [beendet]

Dieser Kurs wurde beendet und wird nicht länger bearbeitet oder aktualisiert.
Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 MHSE02_Hydrology (WiSe 2020/21) [beendet]

If you want to attend this course in the winter semester 2020/21, please register until 01/11/2020.

Enrolment is necessary to get access to the course materials!

The global Covid-19 pandemic is a dynamically developing situation. Please regularly check for the latest information at RKI Germany and the Covid info site of TU Dresden. Changes to the course may apply.


The module transports fundamentals on basic processes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Energy budget and water budget are physically analysed including radiation, precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface and subsurface runoff as well as relevant water and energy storages. The climate of the boundary layer is derived from site characteristics as well as radiation, energy and water balances. The boundary layer climate of several land use types is introduced exemplarily. Another main focus is the macro climate and its variability.
The students critically analyse meteorological and hydrological information (data, forecasts and consulting) and are able to apply their knowledge for water supply management tasks like development, dimensioning, and management.
The students have available the proficiency of relevant processes in atmosphere and hydrosphere, as well as of methods of observation and modelling. This implies basic principles, and estimation technologies for all components of the water cycle.

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