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Math-Ma-PDENMW: Numerics of PDEs - Multigrid Methods
TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2021
Math-Ma-PDENMW: Numerics of PDEs - Multigrid Methods
Mehrgitterverfahren sind die schnellsten bekannten Verfahren zum Lösen großer, dünnbesetzter Gleichungssysteme, wie sie beim Diskretisieren von partiellen Differentialgleichungen entstehen. Um sie anwenden zu können, muss man allerdings mehr als bei anderen Verfahren die Struktur der zugrundeliegenden Gleichungen und Finite-Elemente-Methoden verstehen. Diese Veranstaltung erklärt die Verfahren, zeigt wie man Konvergenz beweist, und erklärt welche Ideen man braucht um Mehrgitterverfahren für verschiedene interessante Problemklassen zu benutzen.
Multigrid methods are the fastest known methods for solving large sparse linear systems of equations resulting from finite element discretizations of partial differential equations. However, using them well is not always obvious, and requires insight into the structure of the underlying equations and discretizations. This lecture will present the method, show the convergence theory, and explain some ideas that are necessary to use multigrid methods for different interesting problem classes.
Multigrid methods are the fastest known methods for solving large sparse linear systems of equations resulting from finite element discretizations of partial differential equations. However, using them well is not always obvious, and requires insight into the structure of the underlying equations and discretizations. This lecture will present the method, show the convergence theory, and explain some ideas that are necessary to use multigrid methods for different interesting problem classes.
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