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2021 Proseminar: Nuclear and Particle Physics

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2021 2021 Proseminar: Nuclear and Particle Physics



The IKTP-Proseminar "Nuclear and Particle Physics" will cover a wide range of topics in fundamental physics. Guidelines for scientific presentations will be given and the proseminar talks will be analyzed. 

  • The language of this Proseminar is English.


Time: Tuesday, 4. DS. (13:00 - 14:30)

Place: ----- Online -----

PD Dr. D. Bemmerer, Dr. O. Novgorodova, J. Dittmer






How to participate/apply?

  • Please contact the organizer ( via email as soon as possible and indicate three preferred topics from the list below (with preferences 1... 2... 3...). Also add your matrikel number to the Email.
  • After enough participants will apply topics will be distributed to cover as much as possible different topics.

About the presentation

  • Preparatory meetings: 2 meetings for each talk, further details by email
  • Every talk will last 30 minutes
  • All necessary materials will be provided after all topics are distributed
  • Talks should be given with prepared slides in English (laptop, beamer and pointer will be provided)


There will be 1 talk every Tuesday as the course will be on-line only, 

  • In case of some problems we might try to make two talks in one day.
  • ...

Available topics (changes possible):

1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
2. Stellar Structure and Evolution
3. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
4. Detectors for Higgs Bosons
5. Detectors and Accelerators for Medical Science
6. How to catch the light - Scintillators and Photomultipliers
7. Particle lifetime measurements 
8. The solar neutrino problem - Solar neutrinos and their oscillations
9. How much does a neutrino weigh? - The KATRIN experiment
10. Hunting the rarest nuclear process - The neutrinoless double beta decay
11. Radiation therapy in cancer treatment
12. -



Date Topic Name Tutor
13.04.2021   Introduction    Novgorodova    Novgorodova    
20.04.2021      No Talks    
27.04.2021  No Talks    
04.05.2021  4. Detectors for Higgs Bosons  Benekin   Novgorodova
11.05.2021  1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Liersch   Bemmerer
18.05.2021 2. Stellar Structure and Evolution  Seidel  Bemmerer
01.06.2021 10. Hunting the rarest nuclear process - The neutrinoless double beta decay   Hofmann N. Dittmer 
08.06.2021  3. Stellar Nucleosynthesis  Frischmann



15.06.2021  7. Particle lifetime measurements Gohler 


22.06.2021  8. The solar neutrino problem - Solar neutrinos and their oscillations  Baumann  Dittmer
29.06.2021  9. How much does a neutrino weigh? - The KATRIN experiment  Hofmann M. Dittmer 
06.07.2021  6. How to catch the light - Scintillators and Photomultipliers Wrobel Novgorodova
13.07.2021 11. Radiation therapy in cancer treatment Lenz Turkat
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