Condensed Matter Research with X-rays & Neutrons (SS 2021)

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2021 Condensed Matter Research with X-rays & Neutrons (SS 2021)

Because of Covid-19, the lectures take place online. Current information about this course is provided in OPAL.
Please always follow the updated information given here.

Welcome to the e-learning platform of this lecture!

Due to the current exceptional situation caused by the disease Covid-19, this lecture will be held in from of an online course until further notice. As long as TU Dresden remains closed, the lecture and the exercises will be provided on Opal and in the virtual classroom exclusively.

For us all this is going to be a quite unusual semester, but it will be fun and we will do our best to provide an interesting course on this topical field of research.

Dmytro Inosov and Jochen Geck.

Video recordings of the lectures by Prof. Geck can be found on the page "lecture".

The lectures of Prof. Inosov will run in Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, you can use the meeting ID 880 3566 6525 with the passcode 1meV=11.6K or just follow the link: You can either join directly from your browser or install the Zoom app.


Here you can find the online course, consisting of the lecture and exercises.

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