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Titelbild des Kurses
TU Bergakademie Freiberg | semesterübergreifend UniLife Start

New Geo-location? New Cultures? New Friends? New Ambience? New Languages?
There are so many new things as soon as we land here in Germany! Where to look for some inter- , intra-connections with information and experiences?

This "learning resource" was created by students of the local initiative of as a point of contact for students. The forum is voluntarily moderated to answer your questions about Freiberg and the start at the Bergakademie. Feel free to ask (if desired also anonymously). Feel free to get connected with us, the initiative, the students in Freiberg, the members of Bergakademie and the people of Freiberg.

We are also looking for supporters who wish to get connected with this initiative or platform here. For specific enquiries related to the work of, please email

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Informationen zum Zugang
  • Dieser Inhalt ist für Sie unter der folgenden Bedingung freigegeben: Institution enthält den Wert TU Bergakademie Freiberg