TU Dresden | semesterübergreifend Using ORCID

Improving your own visibiliy



Improving your own  visibility



Throughout the research process, you are increasingly asked to present yourself as well as your research work and institutional affiliation. But how do you ensure that your scientific publications are clearly attributed to you? Identical names, name changes, e.g. through marriage, different spellings, umlauts in the name can lower retrievability. For this reason, publishers are increasingly asking for an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript and research funders are asking for an ORCID iD when applying for external funding.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a publisher-independent platform for creating a personal identification number, which allows for a permanent link between authors and their publications. Link your research results to your person and secure your authorship with an ORCID iD.


This course shows you step by step how to work effectively with your account after a successful registration with ORCID. What should you pay particular attention to during registration? What are the most important features of the personal record? And how can work steps be simplified? Concrete applications in the SLUB and TU context will also be discussed.


Course structure

This course is divided into four sections. You have the option to attend the course as a whole or to access specific individual modules only.




                            registry and account settings >>>


Using ORCID by Henriette Mehn & Michaele Adam | SLUB Dresden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.

Dieser Kurs zeigt Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie nach einer erfolgreichen Registrierung in ORCID wirksam mit Ihrem Account arbeiten können. Neben dem aktuell zu haltenden Profil sind insbesondere die Verknüpfungsmöglichkeiten von ORCID mit anderen Institutionen und Personen relevant, um ein aussagekräftiges Portfolio zu erstellen.
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