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Soft matter: Micro-Structuring and Self-Organization || Microsystem Technology

TU Dresden | Sommersemester Soft matter: Micro-Structuring and Self-Organization || Microsystem Technology

In this course, we will cover the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of Soft Materials and Polymer Physics:
    • Physics of Soft Matter.
    • Polymer Microstructure, Configuration, Network Structure, Soft Gel, IPN, Semi IPN, Glass Transition
    • Phase Transitions and Phase Separation, Percolation and Gelation
    • Entropy Elasticity, Energy Elasticity, Gogh Jule Effect
    • Characterization techniques of soft matter: DMA, Stress-strain, Modulus, Creep, Relaxation
    • Reversible Network, and Self-healing materials
    • Wrinkle patterns, Soft Materials for Actuators, Sensors, Energy Harvesting 
  • Liquid Crystals
  • Colloids
  • Interfaces: Membranes, liquid vs. solid membranes, energy and elasticity, surface tension, curvature, de Gennes-Taupin length, shape transitions.
  • Amphiphiles: Microphase separation in block copolymers and solutions of amphiphiles. Aggregation and micellization of small molecules and surfactants in solution.
  • Methods of Processing Soft Matter
  • Methods of Micro- and Nanostructuring by Lithography: E-beam lithography, laser lithography, micro-deformation in capillaries, etc.
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