Towards the Digital Urban Era

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TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2021 / 2022 Towards the Digital Urban Era
Towards the Digital Urban Era
Technology | Industry 4.0 and the Productive City | TU Dresden
Society | Society 5.0 and the Built Environment | Kyushu University
Co-Creation | Co-creative Urban Innovation | Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Countryside | The countryside of the Digital Urban Era | Zhejiang University

The joint seminar aims to utilize the educational platforms of the four internationally renowned universities to enable students to gain in-depth knowledge of the various facets of the Digital Urban Era across cultural and socio-economic boundaries.

Taking advantage of the virtual education technologies, students will learn in an international working environment, which will broaden their scientific view to a global perspective and strengthen their personal ability for international collaborative working.

The seminar aims to enhance students’ interest and motivation for in-depth study of this challenging topic through interactive, collaborative learning. Under the didactic concept of participatory learning, students will be involved in the seminar as learners of knowledge about the Digital Urban Era. Moreover, they will participate in the shaping the contents of survey with their perspective as a mainstream group of the Digital Urban Era . Students will gain training in international comparative studies through the participation in local questionnaire survey on-site and subsequent joint evaluation, so that they will enhance their interest and ability in dealing with unfamiliar physical and socio-cultural environments.

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