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Vorlesung (Master) "Managing People and Organizations"

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2023 / 2024 Managing People and Organizations

Managing People and Organizations (WS 23/24)

Modul-Nr: MA-WW-BWL-2021/D-WW-WIWI-2021

This lecture is organized as a block course. Please make sure to check the course schedule provided below!

If you have any questions regarding the course’s organization, please write an email to Lena Rieck (

Short description

Organizations are not only tools for achieving business goals but also social systems that crucially depend on the work conducted by and among (groups of) people who have different identities, interests, and goals. Understanding and managing the behavior of people and groups in organizational settings—as well as that of organizations as social systems in their own right—is thus central to organizational functioning and effectiveness. This module offers an advanced-level introduction to the management of organizations and the (groups of) people who work within and for them. The course will familiarize students with key theories and practices on the individual, group, and organizational levels. At the same time, it seeks to raise students’ awareness for the context within which organizing and managing unfold in the 21st century, not least in relation to some of the grand challenges of our time: climate change, globalization, inequality, and financial in-/stability. Overall, the course aims at enabling students to become more knowledgeable about the way in which organizational systems work (and why they may not work), more conscious of the consequences of the decisions one makes as a manager, and more confident that they possess the skills required to succeed in a corporate setting.


Learning Objectives

After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:

  • identify, analyze, and critically reflect upon contemporary issues and practices related to the management of people and organizations,
  • navigate the multi-paradigmatic field of organization and management studies and asses the strengths and weaknesses of different theories and concepts,
  • approach practical challenges of managing and organizing and design effective, research-driven measures to address from a broad range of theoretical perspectives,
  • connect knowledge from the field of management and organization studies with other areas of business administration, such as strategy, innovation, technology, leadership, and corporate social responsibility.



The module is organized according to the flipped classroom approach. Students will be asked to read a pre-assigned textbook chapter prior to each session. Each session will consist of a mix of discussions, case studies, student presentations, and group exercises designed to illustrate how students can apply the acquired conceptual knowledge to solve practical problems related to the management of people and organizations.



Examination will be based on a written exam (60 minutes, 60% of the overall grade) and an in-class presentation (10 minutes, 40%).

Written exam (60%): Students will have to respond to a set of open-clause essay questions based on the readings and the discussions in class. The questions will require students to use and connect the theories and concepts discussed in class and to take a critical stance to issues of managing people and organizations. Students will be allowed to consult the textbook during the exam.


Presentation (40%)Students will have to prepare a 10-minute presentation (in groups) on a research paper related to the class material. Presentation topics will be assigned after the first session (but see the list of papers available to choose from further down). The presentations should be uploaded on OPAL by 12 pm on the day before the respective session.


5 credit points can be earned through the module. The module grade results from the weighted average of the two examination performances.

Participation requirements:
Bachelor's level knowledge of organization or as taught in the Organizational Management module.


The lecture can be attended by 60 students. Please sign up on the enrollment list - acceptance is on a first-come, first-served basis.



Clegg, S. R., Pitsis, T., & Mount, M. 2021 Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (6thed.). Sage.

Please note that the 6th edition has been thoroughly revised! We suggest that you purchase the book. Several copies are also available at the SLUB.


Course Schedule and Sessions






Part I:
Managing people in organizations



Managing and organizations

Chapter 1

Managing individuals

Chapter 2



Managing teams and groups

Chapter 3

Exercise: “Lost in the desert”

Part II:
Managing organizational practices



Managing cultures

Chapter 5

Managing conflicts and power

Chapters 6 & 7



Managing communications

Chapter 8

Exercise: “The Social Dilemma”

Part III: Managing organizational processes and structures



Managing learning and innovation

Chapters 9 & 10

Managing sustainably and ethically

Chapter 11



Managing organizational design

Chapter 12

Exercise: “The New Corporation




Review and exam preparation




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