2021/2022 Hauptseminar: Grand challenges and hot topics in high energy and astroparticle physics

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2021 / 2022 2021/2022 Hauptseminar: Grand challenges and hot topics in high energy and astroparticle physics


Mittwoch, 3. DS (11:10-12:40), SE2/201/H (Hybrid)


Dr. J. Manjarres

The IKTP-Hauptseminar "Grand challenges and hot topics in high energy and astroparticle physics" will cover a wide range of topics in experimental and theoretical particle physics published during the last years. Guidelines for scientific presentations will be given and the hauptseminar talks will be analyzed.

Depending on the attendance the presentations might be in person or hybrid. The first lecture on 13/10/21 will be fully online and here https://cern.zoom.us/j/91928501575?pwd=VHhvQ2lOMWw5TjhPWmlmdVRkUEpHUT09. During the first lecture, we will decide the final format of the seminar.

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