2021/2022 Proseminar: Radiation Physics (engl. Proseminar)
Friday, 4. DS. (13:00 - 14:30), REC C118
Lesender: Dr. Thomas Kormoll / Dr. Theresa Werner
Start: The lecture starts with the first presentation on the 29th October
This is the IKTP-Proseminar. Please choose a topic from the "schedule for presentations" and send an email with your preference to theresa.werner@tu-dresden.de and thomas.kormoll@tu-dresden.de
Current Plan
We will meet in person in the SE2/201/H auditorium. There will be a laptop and a blackboard that you may include in your presentation.
We do two talks each time. Each talk would last for around 30 minutes, then we have around 15 minutes of discussion time after each talk.
For the preparation I suggest the following procedure: around 4 weeks in advance of your talk we have one meeting. One or two weeks in advance your should have your slides more or less ready that we can go through them either in person or remotely.
You may use tools such as powerpoint, libreoffice, or latex (e.g. latex-beamer package) to prepare your slides - you find templates in the TU style in the material folder. As a guideline, I would estimate that a 30-minute talk could have 10-20 slides. The main point should be that the audience in the end understands the essentials of your topic, its advantages and challenges. The main challenge that you may face is to condense the relevant physics to a level that your audience can follow the topic and that you do not oversimplify things.
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