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High Performance Computing WiSe2021/22

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2021 / 2022 High Performance Computing WiSe2021/22

Attention: we may update this course from time to time, for which it has to be restarted. If necessary, we will perform these activities between 4pm and 5pm. During this time interruptions may occur. Please excuse the inconvenience this may cause.


Course "High Performance Computing" in winter semester 2021/22

Lecturer: Prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel

Lecture: Wednesday, 2. DS (09:20 - 10:50) CE(S)T, online

Exercise: Monday, 2. DS (09:20 – 10:50) CE(S)T, online

Exercise: Tuesday, 2. DS (09:20 – 10:50) CE(S)T, online 

Exercise: Wednesday, 1. DS (07:30 – 09:00) CE(S)T, online

Lehrveranstaltung "Hochleistungsrechner und ihre Programmierung" im WiSe 2021/22

Lehrbeauftragter: Prof. Wolfgang E. Nagel

Vorlesung: Mittwoch, 2. DS (09:20 - 10:50), online

Übungsgruppe Montag, 2. DS (09:20 – 10:50), online

Übungsgruppe Dienstag, 2. DS (09:20 – 10:50), online

Übungsgruppe Mittwoch, 1. DS (07:30 – 09:00), online

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Lectures (Links are in the calendar):

13.10. ℹ️ Introduction
20.10. 📜 Batch Systems
27.10. ℹ️ Basics of Parallelism
03.11. 💻 Shared Memory: Parallelism within a Processor and on a Compute Node
10.11. 📜 Shared Memory Programming 1: Threads
17.11. Buß- und Bettag
24.11. 📜 Shared Memory Programming 2: SIMD & Dependencies
01.12. 💻 Distributed Memory: Networks
08.12. 📜 Distributed Memory Programming: MPI
15.12. 📜 Distributed Memory Programming: PGAS and Data Layout
22.12. 💻 Load Balance, Power, and Energy
05.01. 💻 Accelerators
12.01. 📜 Accelerator Programming: CUDA, OpenACC, and OpenMP
19.01. ℹ️ Performance Analysis
26.01. ℹ️ Summary and Outlook
02.02. ℹ️ Questions

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