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Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 21/22

Institut für wissenschaftliches Rechnen | Wintersemester 2021 / 2022 Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 21/22

Written and Oral Examination [matrix chat copy]

Dear participants of the FEM course, after the initially unclear situation regarding the required consent to data processing during online examinations, which was announced by the university administration last week, we now want to give an official statement. For the sake of fairness and correctness we would like ALL participants of this course to sign the Declaration of consent, no matter if you are taking the written or the oral examination. Due to the data security regulations, we are not allowed to use OPAL for any matters of exam-related aspects any more. Instead we have created an additional course in the TUD-hosted OPALExam accessible under the link

for everyone with your regular ZIH Login. Everyone in this course who likes to take the exam MUST agree to the 'Declaration of consent' listed in the course above. For participants of the written examination, the tasks will furthermore be shared there and the upload of your solutions as well. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will understand that in certain situations our hands are tied and we simply have to follow all regulations. If you have further questions, feel free to ask them in the Matrix Chat!


Please fill out the declaration of 3G access rules, if you attend any on-site courses this semester! 

The course focuses on the core ingredients to develop a Finite Element software - meshes, basis functions, quadrature rules, assembly, etc. 

It is part of the course catalog of the Mathematics department, being suitable for all students in the M.Sc. programs

  • Mathematik
  • Technomathematik (mandatory)
  • Wirtschaftsmathematik
  • CMS - Track CMA (mandatory)
  • CMS - Track CE (mandatory)


Lecture and Tutorials

The whole lecture will be taught online. 

Lectures are given online by M.Sc. Dennis Wenzel on Thursday 9:20 live on BigBlueButton. You can join the lecture via the virtual classroom.

The tutorials 

The tutorials start in the 2nd week, so the first tutorial will be on 20th October (online) or 22nd October, respectively.

There will be two tutorial groups following the topics of the lecture with strong focus on applications. One of the tutorials will be online on Wednesday 7:30 - 9:20. To join the tutorial use the virtual classroom.

The other one will be on Friday 14:50 - 16:20 in the room WIL/A317/H and restricted to 30 students. Due to the Covid rules only students signed in this tutorial groups are allowed to participate. Please note that the 3G access rules apply for this tutorial.

It is not necessary to be signed in both tutorial groups. Please choose one of them. 

Matrix Chat Room

While OPAL is mostly used for publication of lectures and assignments, we have created a chat room in Matrix for questions and discussion. 

Link to the matrix chat

Hint: Using Matrix for the first time you have to change the server from the standard matrix server to "". 


Each week an assignment sheet will be published that should be prepared before tuesday 23:59 in the following week. If the tasks in an assignment sheet have been fulfilled more than 80%, you get an additional 0.5 points for the exam up to a maximum of 5 points, i.e. after 10 correctly prepared assignments.


In the 'Assignment' section on this website there is as an upload button. Files should be placed there and the filename should be kept as is, e.g. assignment_1.ipynb. 


The deadline for submission of assignments is Tuesday at 23:59 in the respective week. Submission after this deadline may not be considered. 

Further Studies:

For a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts of the FEM we strongly recommend the lecture PDENM (Numerics of Partial Differential Equations).

PDENM Opal Course

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