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2022 Physics beyond the Standard Model

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2022 2022 Physics beyond the Standard Model



Monday, 2. DS (09:20-10:50), REC/B214

Wednesday, 2. DS (09:20-10:50), REC/B214, even calendar weeks


Wednesday, 2. DS (09:20-10:50), REC/B214, odd calendar weeks

• Lecture and tutorial schedules can be swapped occasionally.

Live stream link for those that cannot attend in person.


Prof. Dr. D. Stöckinger, Dr. H. Stöckinger-Kim


Prof. Dr. D. Stöckinger, Dr. H. Stöckinger-Kim


Announcement Vorträge zu 10 Jahre Entdeckung des Higgsbosons

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