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2022 Hauptseminar: Large high energy physics experiments

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2022 2022 Hauptseminar: Large high energy physics experiments


Hauptseminar / Seminar (Master)

Wednesday 3rd DS (11:10-12:40), ASB/328


Dr.  Heberth Torres (heberth_jesus.torres_davila@tu-dresden.de)


In the seminar, we will discuss some of the current and future large high energy physics experiments, their main purpose, the experimental setup, main challenges, current result highlights, prospects, etc. The participants shall prepare and present seminar talks. Among the topics there are: Collider experiments like ATLAS and CMS, LHCb, BELLE II, e+e-Higgs factories, FCC-hh; neutrino experiments like GERDA and LEGEND, SNO and SNO+, DUNE and Hyper Kamiokande.


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