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BA Research Seminar Summer 2022 [beendet]

Dieser Kurs wurde beendet und wird nicht länger bearbeitet oder aktualisiert.
TU Chemnitz | semesterübergreifend BA Research Seminar Summer 2022

BA Research Seminar Summer 2022

Course starts 14/04/22!



The seminar will deal with topical issues of British and US society, culture and politics. These could include current matters (e.g. the Black Lives Matter movement, Brexit), matters of general interest (e.g.  gun control, immigration) as well as developments of the political system (e.g. the populist threat to American/British democracy).


This seminar is meant to provide students with new insights into aspects of society, culture and politics in Britain and the USA that have not been at the centre of analysis in the two basic modules. Furthermore, students will learn how to explicitly compare features of one culture/society to the other.


Active participation in every session of the class, an oral presentation (PVL), and an oral exam (PL)


Watts, Duncan (2008). Understanding US/UK Government and Politics. A Comparative Guide. 2nd ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press.


Please enrol via OPAL by 4 April 2022:

The first session will take place online only!

BBB-Video Tool


Code: 118657


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