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Schlingel: International Film Festival for Children and Young Adults

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TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2022 Schlingel: International Film Festival for Children and Young Adults


Storytelling is an ancient form of entertainment and education – from the epics by the Greek poet Homer, the medieval sagas of gods and heroes to orally transmitted folk tales in a broad range of countries. For more than 100 years cinema has been the continuation of this tradition – on celluloid. Therefore, an educational program for children and young adults does not only include the studying of texts, but also films. Since 1996, the International Film Festival "SCHLINGEL" has provided a great forum for this task. It offers young viewers the opportunity to watch international, often independent films that would otherwise be unknown in German cinemas. The films, whose heroes are primarily children and young adults, tell exciting stories and convey profound messages that are both universal, and conversely, culturally specific. More than 160 films from a broad range of countries will be screened during the festival week. In addition, international guests (e.g. film directors, young actors) as well as an international jury will be present throughout the festival.


Since the Chair of English Literatures has a cooperation with the "SCHLINGEL" Film Festival, students of this seminar will be required to participate actively in support of the festival also at times outside the regular teaching period (08.10. – 15.10.2022). In this seminar, students will first be provided with hands-on material with regard to film analysis techniques that will help them to deepen their understanding of films and support them in the creation of educational material for children. Secondly, students of this seminar will learn how to translate the subtitles of a film as well as specific film presentation techniques that are required for the active participation in the film festival.


Students must have completed the first seminar pertaining to the MA-Modul 4, "Cultural Encounters".

Requirements for credits:

The format of this seminar will consist of oral presentations and discussions. Each student will give an oral presentation (approx. 15 minutes), and chair a session or prepare questions for discussion (PVL). Alternatively, students (especially native speakers of German) create a translation of English subtitles into German of one of the films screened at the festival. For the PL students will be engaged in hands-on activities during the SCHLINGEL Film Festival (e.g. support and participate in the festival).

Set texts:

A reader with seminal material will be provided.

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