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Project Management and Digital Project Communication

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 Project Management and Digital Project Communication



Ü: Project Management and Digital Project Communication (271431-110)

Antonia Friebel, B.A.

Tuesdays, 15:30-17:00, 2/W044 (C25.044)

First meeting: 11 October 2022 on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 810 6702 0484
Passcode: EDL110


Course Description

This class is designed to introduce students to the different stages of planning and executing a project in a digital setting. The participants will receive an introduction to project management methods (e.g. setting milestones and tracking progress) that will enable them to carry out their own small-scale projects in the framework of a larger actual research project conducted by their teacher.

This semester, the class will explore the topic of “The Netflix Generation - Minorities on Screen” from different perspectives. Students first find choose a corresponding topic, then research their subject of choice with quality sources, and build guidelines for critical thinking in TV & film, which they will finally present to the class.

The participants will work in groups to define project goals, set milestones, carry out individual project stages and contribute to larger topic of how minorities are represented on screen. The class comprises a large variety of teaching formats including sessions with structured theoretical input, sessions with close reading of research literature, workshop-like sessions with a practical focus, sessions with question-and-answer opportunities for the individual project groups and presentations of the individual groups’ results.

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