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Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 22/23

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 Finite Element Method - Theory and Implementation WS 22/23

General information

The course focuses on the core ingredients to develop a Finite Element software - meshes, basis functions, quadrature rules, assembly, etc. 

It is part of the course catalog of the Mathematics department, being suitable for all students in the M.Sc. programs

  • Mathematics
  • Technomathematics (mandatory)
  • Mathematics in Business and Economics
  • CMS - Track CMA (mandatory)
  • CMS - Track CE (mandatory)

Lecture and Tutorials

The lecture and the the tutorials will be held offline, so in person. 

The lecture will be held by Dr. Dennis Wenzel on Monday 11:10-12:40 in SCH/A316/H. Direction how to find this room can be found here.

There will be two tutorials groups, one on Wednesday 11:10-12:40 (Z21/242/U) and one on Thursday 9:20-10:50 (WIL/C107/U). Please choose one tutorial and sign in in the corresponding tutorial group.

The tutorial will start in the first week of the semester.

Changes to the schedule

Because of a public holiday there will be no lecture at the 31st October. The tutorials will take place nevertheless and there will also be an assignment in this week.

The tutorial on Wednesday will not take place at the 16th November because of a public holiday. It will be replaced by a tutorial on Friday, the 18th November, 14:50-16:20 at HSZ/E05/U.


Each week an assignment sheet will be published that should be prepared before Tuesday 11:59 in the following week. If more than 80% of the tasks in an assignment sheet have been completed correctly, you get additional 0.5 points for the exam up to a maximum of 5.0 points.


In the 'Assignment' section on this website there is as an upload button. Files should be placed there and the filename should be kept as is, e.g. assignment_1.ipynb. 


The deadline for submission of assignments is Tuesday at 11:59 am in the respective week. Submission after this deadline will not be considered. 

Further Studies

For a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts of the FEM we strongly recommend the lecture PDENM (Numerics of Partial Differential Equations).

Opal course PDENM


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