[S] Nexus Seminar - Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability (UNU-Flores cooperation)

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TU Dresden | semesterübergreifend [S] Nexus Seminar - Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability (UNU-Flores cooperation)

[S] Nexus Seminar - Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability (UNU-Flores cooperation)

Please see the syllabus (download folder documents) for further information on the course, its learning goals and structure.


Time and room: online; see syllabus (download folder documents)

[S] Nexus Seminar - Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability (UNU-Flores cooperation)



Jun. Prof. Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva


Prof. Dr. Serena Coetzee (UNU-FLORES)



Organizational and technical matters:

Sonja Buchholtz-Postert



Bachelor IB: BA-IB-AQUA1, BA-IB-P-EF

Fakutltät Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Master/Diplom)

info: Students of the Fakultät der Wirtschaftswissenschaften have to enroll via hisqis as well.

MA-WW-BWL-0250 Aktuelle Themen der Betrieblichen Umweltökonomie bzw. des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements


The seminar will be held in English.


This module complements the joint Nexus Seminar Series of Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) and United Nations Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) on the Nexus approach and Sustainability of Integrated Resource Management. The Nexus Seminar Series features lectures from experts aiming at highlighting the multi-dimensionality of the research on the Nexus Approach. Lectures topics range from hands-on implementation strategies to theoretical debates and governance. The Nexus Seminars serves not only as a platform for scientific exchange and cooperation between UNU-FLORES and TUD but also as a medium for the partner institutions to discuss their research with a broader audience. PRISMA - Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy (https://tu-dresden.de/prisma) acts as co-organizer and focal point for TUD.
UNU-FLORES champions research on the Nexus Approach to environmental resources’ management where it examines the interrelatedness and interdependencies of natural resources and fluxes across spatial scales supporting thus the achievement of Sustainable Development as agreed within the Agenda 2030 (https://flores.unu.edu/en/research/nexus). Understanding and assessing the interlinkages between resources helps system transitioning towards more sustainable ones. System sustainability has to take into account also modern challenges like climate change, finite resources and increasing population growth worldwide. By attending the lectures of the Nexus Seminar Series students will gain insights on the Nexus Approach and will apply it in multiple discipline topics. The module will explain and harnesses with the student tools and strategies that could contribute to achieving of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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