WEJWODA The representation of History in board games. The series "IPN Edukacja"

TU Chemnitz | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 WEJWODA The representation of History in board games. The series "IPN Edukacja"
Games and play are an integral part of animal and human existence. Johan Huizinga even goes so far as to claim that human culture emerged from play and that artefacts from this field have survived into modern times.
Games also fulfil important functions in individual and social interaction. They create spaces outside of the everyday experience and their complex variants even offer fictional worlds or images of reality. The latter is especially true for games that have a historical background. In this context, the connection between the politics of history and games becomes interesting.

Starting from these introductory findings, the seminar will look at how games function and how their mechanisms contribute to conveying images of history. Board games developed and published by the Polish "Institute of National Remembrance" as part of its educational programme will be used as case studies.

NOTE! I would like to encourage all students who are interested in the topic but are not sure about the class being held in english to enrol anyway. If your passive capabilities (reading, listening) of understanding are good the biggest part is done. Concerning the active use of english we will help each other out during the courses and will improve together.

Monday, 11:30 - 13:00, room 2/D316A

The course starts on 10th of October.

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