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Konsumentenverhalten / Consumer Behavior Sommersemester 2023

TU Chemnitz | Sommersemester 2023 Konsumentenverhalten / Consumer Behavior Sommersemester 2023

Consumer Behavior / Konsumentenverhalten – Information regarding summer term 2023


Dear Students,

Welcome to the course Consumer Behavior (Konsumentenverhalten, 261032-600)!

The course consists of a lecture (2 LVS) and an accompanying exercise (1 LVS).


First exercise takes place before the first lecture. 

Dear students,
I hope you are enjoying the last weeks before the semester starts. 
As you have probably all noticed from the course catalog, the first exercise will take place before the first lecture in Consumer Behavior in the upcoming summer term 2023. There are 2 things I would like to let you know about this:
1) Please prepare exercise number 1 accordingly (please make sure that you have read the text and also have answered the questions). I have uploaded both the research article and the article questions on the OPAL site. 
2) Please be aware that I will only give an introduction to the exercise. Prof. Dr. Lichters will tell you more about the course and the lecture in the first lecture (Wednesday 5th of April). 
For the exercise, we will meet in the following room: 2/B201.
I look forward to the summer term with you. In case you have any questions, please let me know. 
See you all on Monday, April 3rd. 


Please read the following information carefully. 

All contents of the lecture will be relevant for the exam. The course language is English. The exam will be provided in both English and German. 

The course Consumer Behavior will take place as an in-class event. There will be no hybrid or online or video formats. 

Please make sure you will be in Chemnitz for the final exam. The final exam will take place in-class. There will not be any exceptions for taking the exam earlier or online. Please be aware of this when signing up for this class.



Please enroll in this course to receive information about this course by email as well. We use this course for communication.



The lecture takes place weekly as an in-class event. For information about the room, please refer to the current online course catalog ( Additional information on dates, e.g., on contents such as guest lectures or Q&A sessions, can be found in this OPAL course.

To download the accompanying slides for the lecture, please go to the course element "Script and other material" in this course.

You also find a forum in this OPAL course. Here you can ask your questions and further discuss lecture or exercise content with peer students. In case you have any questions that you do not want to discuss in the forum, please do not hesitate to contact


Lecture dates:

05.04.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
12.04.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
19.04.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
26.04.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
03.05.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
10.05.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
17.05.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
24.05.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
31.05.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
07.06.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
14.06.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
21.06.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Guest lecture - Robert Sommer | Sellmore Gesellschaft für Vertriebsentwicklung mbH
28.06.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture
05.07.2023 - 11:30-13:00    Regular lecture / Q&A regarding lecture content
12.07.2023    No lecture - please visit another guest lecture, please see the options below


Guest lectures:

Guest lectures are an integral part of the CB course. To also get practical insights, we want you to visit one further guest lecture. Please choose one of the following options. You do not have any class on the 12th of July to visit one of these guest lectures. 


14.06.2023 - Holger Löbel | BASELABS | 9:15-10:45 room 2/N114 (new: C10.114)

12.07.2023 -  Dr. Anja Gieseler | Jägermeister | 9:15-10:45 Online via Zoom

Meeting-ID: 665 5609 8474
Code: 358633



The exercises take place in class. There are 6 exercises in this course. The exercise will take place as an in-class event and starts on the 3rd of April. You will be provided with a new exercise every two weeks. Please check the course material regularly and prepare for the exercises. 

To access the learning materials go to "Exercise", then select Articles.

The exercise follows the concept below:

  • Students are asked to read and interpret top-tier research papers in the domain of Consumer Behavior at home.
  • In each exercise, we will discuss one publication
  • Instructor will provide concrete questions in front.
  • Students have to read the articles before the exercise.
  • Students, then, will present and discuss the answers.
  • Instructors will only add to the ongoing discussion.

Exercise dates:

03.04.2023    Regular exercise
17.04.2023    Regular exercise
01.05.2023    No exercise, holiday
15.05.2023    Regular exercise
29.05.2023    No exercise, holiday
12.06.2023    Regular lecture
26.06.2023    Regular lecture
10.07.2023    Regular lecture



If you have any further questions about this course, please contact Joshua Schramm (

We wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2023 and are very much looking forward to meeting you next semester in the classrooms of the TU Chemnitz.

Your Chair of Marketing and Retail

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