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In Dialogue with Industry - Covestro

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HTW Dresden | semesterübergreifend In Dialogue with Industry - Covestro

This a unique opportunity to learn from the best!

Please welcome Dr. Steilemann, the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Covestro, President of VCI, talking about different aspects of Sustainability and Circular Economy. A company that is a pioneer and forerunner of the Circular Economy and sustainability issues in Germany and in the world, and a leader who is personally actively engaged with the topic.

Dr. Steilemann is going to share some ideas and thoughts about the implementation of sustainability into Companies´ Processes and how chemical industry can become a driver on the way to the greatest challenge of our time. You will also get the opportunity to ask questions!

Online, Thursday, 22.12., at 11 am.  

Herewith is the link to the session:


Look forward to this special session with you!


For questions please contact me:


Yours in lifelong learning

Julia Krause

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