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Late Modern English (HS/S Lange SoSe 2023)

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2023 Late Modern English (S Lange SoSe 23)

Late Modern English (S Lange SoSe 23)

The English language has not changed much over the last three centuries – or has it? In recent years, researchers have paid more attention to the social, cultural and linguistic developments that have had an impact on the development of the English language since the eighteenth century, such as the rise of prescriptivism, the ongoing globalization of English, the increase in literacy and the emergence of new genres of writing. This course will explore the role of the eighteenth and nineteenth century in shaping today’s English.


Where: W48/101

When: THU 4.DS

Informationen zum Zugang
  • Dieser Inhalt ist freigegeben von 31.03.2023 10:00 Uhr bis 31.07.2023 10:00 Uhr.