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Mathematics of Innovative Cancer Therapies

Titelbild des Kurses
TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2023 Mathematics of Innovative Cancer Therapies

Cancer remains a significant global health challenge. Combination therapies, which utilize two or more therapeutic agents, have become a cornerstone of cancer treatment. Mathematical models can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of cancer invasion and progression, as well as the efficacy of combination therapies. It is our hope that these models can guide clinicians in their treatment decisions in the future. In this seminar, we will critically discuss the possibilities and limitations of mathematical models of cancer therapy. The main focus will be on introducing key models through oral presentations and discussions. The final seminar program will be determined at the kickoff meeting.

The seminar is intended for undergraduate/graduate students and researchers in mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, and computer science who are interested in this highly interdisciplinary research area.


Seminar details

  • Kickoff meeting and distribution of topics: April 19, 14.00h - 15.00h
  • Date and time: Four Wednesday afternoons at 14.00 h - 17.00 h: May 24, June 7, 14, 21
  • Location: APB-1096, Faculty for Computer Science, Nöthnitzer Str. 46
  • Registration: Please register under "Registration"


Prof. Dr. Andreas Deutsch
Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH),
TU Dresden

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